An adventurous destination wedding photographer, mentor and avid workshop speaker,
based in New Zealand.
I’ve been documenting love and helping couples save their memories for over 7 years now. It brings me joy and great honor to have you open your heart and invite me into your world for a few special days. I also offer mentorship.
Mentoring Sessions
Branding &
Visual Identity
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Editing & Workflow
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& Sales Funnels
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Creative Explorations
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One on One
From client communication and gallery curation, to workflows, contracts and taxes. You name it, I’m ready to help you dive into any of these topics, gain more confidence and creative freedom in your life!
Group Session
90-minute free-for-all. Available over Skype to talk through questions and advice for your photography business
I'm always on the road, either following my clients for a destination wedding, meeting a fellow photographer for mentorship or speaking at a workshop or conference
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